БАНК                                                       Ф. 04068477
   Beneficiary __________________ were advised      ¦Date:
   on _____________ 199__            +--------------+--------------------
                                     ¦Exp. Dept.    ¦
   ----------------------------------+              ¦
   Please quote our reference:   ¦                  ¦
   Mail to:                          ¦Copy to:
   Number of                          Date of issuing
   Letter of Credit
   Amount:                       ¦Validity:         ¦
   Commission will be collected from:¦We advised this Letter of Credit:
   ++                                ¦++
   ++ beneficiary                    ¦++ adding our confirmation
   ++                                ¦++
   ++ issuing bank                   ¦++ without adding our confirmation
                                                    Yours faithfully

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